Company Profile

VELTAL S.A. is a growing company in the production of mixtures and improvers for the development of bakery products.

Its main goal is the direct service of bakery professionals and support them in the continuous improvement of their products. In its new, modern facilities, VELTAL S.A. produces a range of flour efficiency improvers intended for the bakery and pastry industry.

Its products offer quality solutions that facilitate the management of raw materials and the production of dough and baking products. The products are targeting Mills, Bread and Puff Pastry Factories, Bakers as well as Flour and Baking – Confectionery Material Distributors.

During its years of activity it has developed stable partnerships with leading clients all over Greece.
   • FAMA Food Service
   • ZANAE S.A.
   • Siouris Mills S.A.
   • Klarnetas flour Mills S.A.
   • Chalatzoglou flour Mills


The company VELTAL S.A. is a family-owned manufacturing company. It was founded in 1993 by Dr. George Rammos, a biochemist with great expertise in the Wheat - Flour - Bread cycle. The aim was to provide solutions to both mills and the bakery industry regarding the optimization of the performance of the final product. Christina Rammou developed the business by providing, additionally, mixing services of complete mixes. Today, the company's staff has been joined by chemist (BSc) Eva-Maria Rammou and biologist (Phd) Dimitra-Lida Rammou.